Journal Prompt 1 – December 9th

Set a timer for about 10 minutes. The time you spend journaling may be more than this. But by stopping and committing to at least this boundary, you’re setting yourself up for success and for this time to be more meaningful for you. It’s also helpful during journaling time to make sure that you allow yourself both space and silence. After you set your timer, read and reflect on Revelation 7:9-17. Here are a few thoughts to help guide you through this reflection. 

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.  ~ Revelation 7:9

Let’s get started. As you read through Revelation 7:9-17 the first time, take a look at what’s there and the context of the passage. Write down what you know about the context and what’s here. For example, we know we’re looking at a vision that’s given by God to John. The purpose of the book of Revelation is provided in John 1:1-5. There, we’re encouraged to both read what’s written in this book and to value and take to heart what’s written here. Now, we get to Revelation 7:9-17. As you read this, what are the specific things that stand out to you? At this point, don’t evaluate. Just observe. 

As you reflect on what you see, take the next step and evaluate. This passage reflects on heaven and the saints triumphant both then and in the future (“the ones who are coming out of the great tribulation” Revelation 7:14). What is the application of this passage to that context? What about what you see here makes you think or shows you a sin to confess? Identify that which encourages you or helps you feel hopeful. 

Take a few moments and review your notes of reflection from these first two sections. Then, let’s continue. 

Here’s your prompt. Focus on verse 17. When you think of this verse, what comes to mind? Think of a time when you experienced pain, when you felt grief. You can even write about a time you’re going through now. Imagine Jesus stepping into this moment with you. Review Isaiah 53:3. Imagine Our God, Emmanuel, in this moment of pain with you, wiping every tear from your eyes, not in a dismissive way but in a real and incarnational way. Journal about your thoughts and reflections about this experience. Then rest, knowing this isn’t just a moment of imagination. Jesus really is in your moments of pain and grieving. The Holy Spirit is your comforter. God himself is your Father, even when pain causes you to feel isolated in the grip of secrecy and the unknown. As you journal and allow yourself to experience this moment of connection, take the time to also pray through the verses from this exercise and the feelings that may come up for you as you journal. 

You can pause journaling here and pick up again for the next prompt. Or, you can carry this exercise through by visiting the Into Context, Out of History Blog. If you choose to visit the blog, visit it today keeping in mind what we’ve discussed earlier in this journaling session. Remember to sign up for 3Cholore to discover opportunities to connect on this journey with Voice of the Middle Ground.

Black and White to Shades of Gray_Voice of the Middle Ground (VotMG)_Imagine Jesus Moment

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